Test plan for teian

(test plan version: 0.7)
Rendering of Docbook vocabulary (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in DocBook format, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Rendering of XLIFF vocabulary (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in XLIFF format, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Rendering of TEI vocabulary (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in TEI format, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Rendering of DITA vocabulary (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in DITA format, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Rendering of XProc vocabulary (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in XProc format, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Tokyo War Crimes (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering Tokyo War Crimes file.
Rendering of TEI vocabulary with change tracking (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in TEI format, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet and with change tracking. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Rendering of TEI vocabulary, dictionary section (status:)Run test
This test is for rendering a file in TEI format, dictionary section, styled with a specialized CSS stylesheet and with change tracking. If the test is rendered in a styled manner and can be edited by using the specific annotators, the test is passed.
Missing content url (status:)Run test
This test is for the non-fatal (recoverable) error that occurs when the 'content' parameter of the teian main page's query string is missing. If the default content is specifying that the content is missing, the test is passed.
Wrong content url (status:)Run test
This test is for the non-fatal (recoverable) error that occurs when the 'content' parameter of the teian main page's query string is wrong. If the default content is specifying that the content is missing, the test is passed.
External links list in TEI (status:)Run test
This test is for displaying a list of external links in TEI. If the list is displayed, the test is passed.
Sanskrit transliteration in TEI (status:)Run test
This test is for displaying a text in transliterated Sanskrit in TEI. If the text is displayed, the test is passed.
Sanskrit (devanagari) in TEI (status:)Run test
This test is for displaying a text in Sanskrit (Devanagari) in TEI. If the text is displayed, the test is passed.